Me B’day


Wah dah ultah lagi, makin tua aja nih. Kuenya sih beli di hagen daz lumayan diskon 50%, attribute tambah sendiri. Mario n Luigi itu pesenan anak, ultah sambil nyenengin anak. Jadinya liat Ice cakenya anak-anak lebih semangat hehehe. Malamnya dinner di steak factory, enak juga makan steak daging wagyu. Giftnya biasa dah gelang emas, dengan logo shio. Hubby usaha bener buat beli giftnya, sampe muter2 di toko mas, untung ga salah beli bukan mas2 yg dibeliin.biggrin

In English
Wow today is my B’day, makes me older again. B’day Cake from hagen daz cause is still have discount 50%, the attribute I add myself. Mario n Luigi was my sons order, B’day also makes my kids happy. My kids see the cake was so ezcited. At night I have dinner with my hubby at steak factory, the food was good we eat wagyu beef. The gift as usual gold bracelet, with chinese horoskop on it. What an effort from my hubby to buy this gift, makes him looking around at gold shop, luckily not buying the wrong gold not Mr aka gold that being buy.biggrin

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